Have you ever asked a kid what they wanted to be when they grow up? It’s always fun to hear the wide array of answers. “Doctor” “Banker.” “President.” “Actor.” “Football player.” “Dancer.” Kids have big dreams, and if you ask where they got them, they’ll often answer you the same way: “I read a story about it one time…” In other words, someone left a legacy that made an impact, and the dream it ignited often grows as the child matures.

The coolest thing about those books is how they’re about people doing the things they love.. They were ordinary people who were passionate about their field, wanted to pass on their tricks of the trade, and decided to start by publishing a book. 

So, they did. And now, kids and adults alike use them as an example because they stepped out and left a powerful legacy. You can, too. 

The Power of Publishing

Even though you are more than your job, your chosen career is a big part of your life. Maybe you went into your job knowing everything, but most likely there was a learning curve early on. Maybe you stepped in and experienced some whiplash when your job looked a little different than you may have originally expected. BUT . . . you made it to the other side—refined, knowledgeable, and professional. And made a positive impact on others as a result!

Then, you head home and use some of those practical skills as you walk through the rest of your day. Your friends and family are part of your story.

Your impact, though, can stretch far more than you may think. Publishing a book—putting your thoughts to words, your words to a page—will leave a broader mark on an audience that can be encouraged, challenged, and changed by your story. 

Invite Others into Your Story.

Publishing a book invites more people into the story. It allows you to say, “This is how I spent my time, this is why that is important, and this is how the lessons learned can affect you.” 

Ever heard of the musical Hamilton? It defines the word legacy as “Planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” Sometimes you don’t even know the effect you’ll leave behind. The seed that you sow might be reaped long after you’re gone, but will be invaluable to the person upon whom you left your impression. 

Often, though, you do have the opportunity to reap the reward. With your memoir as your platform, you can book speaking engagements and meet members of the community of your career and make personal connections to share your wisdom. 

By publishing your book, you get a chance to allow more people into your circle of impact, because your story does not have to end with you. Your story becomes a foundation and model for others. Your method and skills empower others to continue on, to strengthen your legacy.

You may never see the impact you leave, but that does not mean it’s not there. Do you remember the kids I talked about earlier? Do you remember when that was you? Someone wrote a book, someone told their story, and then you were impacted or challenged—you became a part of their story. That person was your hero once upon a time, and you’ll be someone else’s. 

Your Legacy is Unique and it Speaks.

So, put the pen to paper, or let Streamline Books help with that. Organize your failures, your successes, and your wisdom based on the experience you had. Your impact is deeper and farther than you may ever realize. Other books are out there, but add your voice to the conversation. You deserve to be heard—even if you don’t have 1 million Twitter followers.

Be authentic. Talk about what was good, hard, or even the most embarrassing moment of your career. Make it personal and make it relatable. You are unique and have your own experiences, but engage and encourage because someone is out there following your path– they’re just a few steps behind you and could use an encouraging word from a leader like yourself. 

Your voice is essential because someone needs to hear it. Invite people in and let them see you. You have something to say. You have something to give. You have an impact, so maximize it!

Tell your story, write your book, and leave your legacy. We can help you get started.

Picture of Lucy Nickel

Lucy Nickel

Lucy is a Content Writer at Streamline Books. She lives in Branson, MO and loves writing and editing as work and hobby, in addition to film and media production.