Streamline Books Year in Review Part 2: Visionary

A stat that we talk about often is that 81% of people want to write a book someday but each year, only 1 % ever get around to it—one of our goals is to help close that gap and help people share their message and story with the world.

Streamline Books Year in Review Part 1: Integrator

Your story has been in the works for years and years, and your major influences and inspiration for the book you’ve written have had a long impact on you. That’s what the dedication is for. Talk about the people who have made the story what it is.

Four Real Reasons Why to Write a Book

It’s the difference between “fake” and “real” reasons to write a book that counts, and when you start to prioritize the latter, writing a book becomes a viable way to not just change your own life, but the lives of those around you.

From “How to Write a Bestseller?” to a Better Path Forward

“Will, people tell me all the time . . . ‘I want to write a book someday.’” Alex told me those words in the fall of 2020. I was running a marketing company, and had just started a new offering centered around ghostwriting: helping others write and publish their own book.