Who We Are

We are a team of passionate creators, thinkers and innovators

At Streamline, we serve authors and speakers looking to impact one life with their story and message. With that mindset focused on the one, we engage in a mutually beneficial experience for all involved—starting with you and our wonderful team below!

We use our voice to elevate others.

There is a term we care about regarding stewarding your story well: quality control. We have a team of talented writers and editors who care about you, as a human, and your stories and expertise!

  • We are a faith-led organization with a core verse in mind, Proverbs 31:8-9, that begins with this: “Open your mouth for the mute…” In other words, we help leaders like YOU come off mute to share your story.
  • Led by a project manager, you will work with professional writers, editors, and designers to craft a manuscript you’re proud to share with the world.
  • Our offerings are comprehensive—once we help you bring your next book to life, we can help market your voice as a leader and speaker in your space. See our Books, Media, and Speakers pages to learn more!
Our Why

Our values drive everything we do.


"I'm going to write a bestseller."

If you see language out there that talks about “writing a bestseller” or companies that teach you “how to write a bestseller” we urge you to think again.

The book you write with Streamline is meant for something much greater than bestseller status. The book you write with Streamline is meant for Hidden Impact™.


Hidden Impact™

Just because “bestseller” isn’t your main focus doesn’t mean we don’t want you to move copies of your book. On the contrary, the more books you release into the world the more opportunity for Hidden Impact™!

Hidden Impact™ is the emails you’ll get, the reviews you’ll receive, and the conversations you’ll have with those who were moved to action by your words—there’s nothing more special than those moments nobody could have seen coming. 


"I can write and edit my book myself."

You may have past experience writing blog posts, articles, or publications online. But writing a book is different in that many are going to read your words in print. In addition, this book is something that will be handed down for generations.

Therefore, we believe in surrounding you with a team to make sure you are not only proud of the book you wrote, but you’re just as proud to share is with others. Besides, the writing and editing process is a lot of fun alongside other humans!


Humans > Artificial Intelligence

Now, does this all mean we’re anti-AI? Nope! In fact, we use AI in our business model to assist with transcriptions, outlines, and meeting notes. But we then trust humans to perfect the AI—not the other way around.

In other words, the main goal for our writers is to connect with and understand your message so deeply that they can communicate it on your behalf, and help you communicate strategically and effectively for your target audience.

Our team

Meet the faces behind your story

Alex Demczak
Alex Demczak CEO + Co-Founder
Will Severns
Will Severns CRO + Co-Founder
Annika Bergen
Annika Bergen Editor-In-Chief
Chloie Benton
Chloie Benton Director of Operations
Donnel McLohon
Donnel McLohon Publishing Manager
Abigael Elliott
Abigael Elliott Head of Design
Dave Sheets
Dave Sheets Printing Specialist
Bethany Shoemaker
Bethany Shoemaker Administrative Assistant
Brooke Browning
Brooke Browning Director of Media
Aaron Alba
Aaron Alba Director of Sales
Becca Blackburn
Becca Blackburn Project Manager
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller Project Manager
Mandi Reed
Mandi Reed Project Manager
Luke Mangan
Luke Mangan Content Strategist
Apply to work with us

Want to work with Streamline?

If you’re a writer, editor, designer or effective communicator . . . contact us in the form for more information.

Note: Although we accept submissions on a rolling basis, we receive a lot of inquiries to work alongside Streamline. If, upon submitting your work samples, we think you’re a good fit, we’ll reach out with about the next step! If not, we’re grateful to have your information on file when/if we circle back about an opportunity in the weeks/months ahead. Thank you!