How to Create a Back Book Cover Description for a Non-Fiction Book

Writing a back book cover description for a non-fiction book can be challenging, but there are a few key elements you can include to make it effective. Streamline Books wants to give you some tips on how to create a back book cover description for a non-fiction book:

  1. Start with a hook: Your first sentence should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more. You could start with a question, a bold statement, or a surprising fact.
  2. Summarize the main idea: In the next few sentences, explain what the book is about and what the reader can expect to learn from it. Be clear and concise.
  3. Highlight the benefits: Explain how the reader will benefit from reading the book. What problems will it help them solve? What new insights will they gain?
  4. Add some social proof: Include any endorsements or positive reviews from experts in the field, or from readers who have already read the book.
  5. Call to action: Encourage the reader to take action and buy the book. Use persuasive language and make it clear why they should buy it now.

A Streamline Author’s Example

In his 34+ years as a high school teacher, coach, and administrator, Benjy Fenske has stories that any  educator could understand.

Whether you fulfill any similar role or responsibility or are just looking to “peak behind the curtain,” Unscripted and Undeniable offers a way to sympathize with the wild stories an educator might experience. Through the tall (and short) stories that Benjy tells (which read like fiction at times!) you will gain a further appreciation for anyone working in the full-time education space. 

This book offers 36 stories that equal nine stories per quarter in a school year. Such a simple equation is the perfect encouragement for an educator grinding through long days, or any parent wondering about what happens in those school walls.

A sneak peak: what happens in those walls isn’t just memorable—it’s a collection of defining moments for the generations that follow.

So Why is the Back Book Cover Description So Important?

The back book cover plays a crucial role in the overall success of a book, serving as an essential marketing tool and providing valuable information to potential readers. In just a limited space, typically encompassing the back cover, flap, or even the entire back of a paperback, the back book cover serves several important functions that contribute to the book’s appeal, sales, and overall impact.

First and foremost, the back book cover is the gateway to the contents of the book. When a potential reader picks up a book, their eyes naturally move from the front cover to the back, where they seek to understand what the book is about and why it is worth their time and investment. The back book cover should effectively summarize the key themes, plot points, or main ideas of the book while creating intrigue and a desire to explore further. A well-crafted back cover can entice readers to open the book and begin their literary journey.

Beyond piquing interest, the back book cover serves as a marketing tool for the book. It is essentially an advertisement for the book’s content and target audience. By presenting endorsements from prominent authors, reviews, or accolades, the back cover can build credibility and establish trust in the reader’s mind. A powerful endorsement from a respected figure in the industry can significantly influence a potential reader’s decision to purchase the book.

Key Elements and Purpose

Additionally, the back book cover provides essential information about the author. A brief author bio or photograph can create a connection between the author and the reader, giving the book a human touch. This connection can be particularly important for emerging authors who may be relatively unknown to the public.

The design and layout of the back book cover also contribute to its significance. A visually appealing and well-organized layout can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the book, making it stand out on bookstore shelves or online platforms. The back cover’s visual elements, such as fonts, colors, and illustrations, should complement the front cover and create a cohesive design that reflects the book’s tone and genre.

Furthermore, the back book cover is a valuable space to display essential book details, such as the ISBN, barcode, price, and publisher information. These elements are crucial for distribution, inventory management, and sales tracking.

The back book cover is an indispensable aspect of a book’s presentation and marketing strategy. It serves as the bridge between the potential reader and the contents of the book, enticing and informing readers about its value. With limited space, it must efficiently convey the book’s essence, connect the author with the audience, and present key information to facilitate the book’s sale and success. A well-designed and thoughtfully crafted back book cover can significantly impact a book’s reach, reception, and longevity in the literary world.

Picture of Madi Reade

Madi Reade

Madi is a Content Writer at Streamline Books. She lives in Florida and loves writing and editing as work and hobby. When not writing high-quality copy for work, she's enjoying time at the beach or traveling the country with friends!