Colin Holba: Take the Leap and Use your Platform

Your most powerful tool for building a platform and building connections is your own personal story, and Colin knew that. The fear of something new did not stop him from starting, and his life has enriched others.

How to Maximize Your Voice

Remember: your voice should be your own. Your natural cadence and tone and rhythm and vocabulary. It may not change the content of the story, but it changes its heart.

Dale Alexander: The Talk (about money)

Dale’s book, The Talk (about money), addresses the singular, life-changing decision that young adults make to become some of the wealthiest and most generous people in the world. It is a harbinger of hope for young adults who are at a loss in how to achieve financial success during the most important time of their life. It is perhaps the most important “life decision” they can make because it impacts every other area of their life.

Three Questions to Ask to Kickstart your First Draft

Your first draft matters because it is the blueprint you will use to tell the story that will change somebody’s life. Your personal story is the most powerful tool you have to influence others and change the world for the better.

How to Fight Procrastination and Write a Book in 2023

Procrastination is real because telling your story can be scary. Other things may seem more appealing, but your voice and story are important and so challenge yourself to sit down and write. However, getting started is much easier said than done. Let’s walk through four tips to get you started and out of the rut—2023 is the year to share your message with the world!

Streamline Books Year in Review Part 2: Visionary

A stat that we talk about often is that 81% of people want to write a book someday but each year, only 1 % ever get around to it—one of our goals is to help close that gap and help people share their message and story with the world.

Streamline Books Year in Review Part 1: Integrator

Your story has been in the works for years and years, and your major influences and inspiration for the book you’ve written have had a long impact on you. That’s what the dedication is for. Talk about the people who have made the story what it is.

How to Write a Book Dedication

Your story has been in the works for years and years, and your major influences and inspiration for the book you’ve written have had a long impact on you. That’s what the dedication is for. Talk about the people who have made the story what it is.

Publishing a Book as Part of Your Legacy

Your impact, though, can stretch far more than you may think. Publishing a book—putting your thoughts to words, your words to a page—will leave a broader mark on an audience that can be encouraged, challenged, and changed by your story.